Ultimate Flex-Box Guide

Ultimate Flex-Box Guide

After reading this blog visit this page to get a practical experience of FlexBox with graphical exprience

FlexBox is the most important part of CSS to learn which will make your styling more convenient and creative

Topics Covered under FlexBox

  • Flex Direction
  • Justify Content
  • Align Items
  • Align Content
  • Flex Wrap
  • Align Self
  • Flex (Shorthand for Flex Grow, Shrinking, and Flex Basis)

Flex Direction

It is used to set the direction of the elements inside the container. There are mainly 4 directions in which the elements can be arranged.


  • Row
  • Row Reverse
  • Column
  • Column Reverse

Justify Content

Justify content is used to align the elements inside the container. It is used to align the elements in the main axis. The main axis is the axis in which the elements are arranged. The main axis is the same as the direction of the elements. The Main axis changes if the direction of the elements is changed in the Flex direction


  • Flex Start
  • Flex End
  • Center
  • Space Between
  • Space Around
  • Space Evenly

Align Items

Align items are used to align the elements in the cross-axis. The cross axis is the axis perpendicular to the main axis. The cross-axis is the same as the direction of the elements. The cross-axis changes if the direction of the elements is changed in the Flex direction


  • Flex Start
  • Flex End
  • Center
  • Baseline
  • Stretch

Align Content

Align Content is used to same as justify-content by it is used when there are multiple elements in one row and in align content view the main axis is the cross axis and the cross axis is the main axis.


  • Flex Start
  • Flex End
  • Center
  • Space-between
  • Space-around
  • Stretch

Flex Wrap

Flex wrap is used to wrap the elements within a container if there are coming out of it or the container space isn't enough to hold all the elements.


  • nowrap
  • wrap
  • wrap-reverse

Align Self

Align Self is used to align a single element in the container. It works the same as align-items but on the element on which the property is applied.


  • Flex Start
  • Flex End
  • Center
  • Baseline
  • Stretch


Flex is a short-hand property of the 3 properties together Flex Grow, Flex Shrink, and Flex Basis.

Flex Grow - It is used to set the growth factor of an element. It is used to set the ratio of the element to grow in the container. The default value is 0. The property works when the window size is increased.

Flex Shrink - It is used to set the shrink factor of an element. It is used to set the ratio of the element to shrink in the container. The default value is 1. The property works when the window size is decreased.

Flex Basis - It is used to set the initial size of the element. It is used to set the initial size of the element in the container. The default value is auto. The property works when the window size is increased or decreased.