The ultimate power of Ternary Operator in JS

The ultimate power of Ternary Operator in JS

Everyone has heard or used ternary operators in different places and different languages. In Javascript ternary operator has some more powers that most developers aren't aware of.

How does a Ternary look like

// Ternary Operator
Parameter / Argument ? Statement_to_be_Executed : Else_Statement_to_be_executed
P ? S1 : S2

It is the most simplest and convenient form of conditional statements

1st Power of Ternary operator

A ternary operator can be used to store expression into a variable which will produce a boolean value.

It can be used if we have multiple condition to work with rather than having multiple nested if statement we can use Ternary Operator

Example : Here Sarah want to get a Drivers Licence and Below are two logics given one with a nested if statements and another with a ternary Operator. To get the drivers licence sarah age should be equal or morethan the require again and should have passed licence test with minimum points required.

// Using nested If statement
let sarahAge = 23;
let sarahScorePoints = 30;
let requiredPoints = 30;
let minimumAgeRequired= 20;
if (sarahAge > minimumAgeRequired) {
  if (sarahScorePoints >= requiredPoints) {
    console.log("Sarah Can get a Drivers Licence");
  } else {
    console.log("Sarah can't get a Drivers Licence");

// Using the ternary operator
let sarahtestpoints = 30;
let sarahage = 30;
let sarahtestscorepoints =
  sarahtestpoints >= 30
    ? `and scored ${sarahtestpoints} in licence test`
    : `and scored ${sarahtestpoints} in licence test`;

if (sarahage > 20) {
  console.log(`Sarah age is above the age required ${sarahtestscorepoints}`);
} else {
  console.log(`Sarah age is below the age required ${sarahtestscorepoints}`);
If statement Output
> Sarah can get a Drivers licence

Ternary Operator Output
> Sarah age is above the age requirement and scored 30 points in licence test

2nd power of Ternary operator

Ternary operator can be used to produced an expression inside a string before logging to console.

// Here we are using template literal
let sarahage = 20;
console.log(`Sarah ${sarahage >= 20 ? 'can get licence' : "can't get licence" }`);
> Sarah can get licence

Ternary operator can't be used for complex conditions