Flask without python

Flask without python

In this series of articles we will learn the python's most convenient framework Flask. The title says Flash without python which doesn't mean that you don't need any knowledge about python. But Atleast you much be deeply have knowledge about any programming language and Because python is a easy to learn language you don't have to spend much time learning python. We will learn some basics of python during this course what are the topics we need to know to learn flask.

What is Flask?

Flask is a python framework to build flexible and end to end connectivity web application. Flask helps use connect the python with frontend tech and databases.

Dependencies needed?

  1. Install latest python version from its original website and install it in your computer

  2. Select a checkbox for pip. Pip is CLI command to install python libraries and dependencies.

  1. After installing open terminal and use this command.

    $ pip install flask
  2. After installing you are ready to use flask applications in your web application.

More about web development using Flask

Along with Flask we need to know about WSGI And Jinja.

WSGI(Web server gateway interface)

It is a standard which describes the specifications concerning communication between the client side server and web server.

  • Flexibility with the components of the application.

  • Interoperability within different Python frameworks.

  • Scalability of the application with an increase in users.

  • Efficiency in terms of speed of development.


Jinja is a template language. What is template language? Or lets know what's templates. Templates are frontend which the user sees in case of web development html pages are template. Template language helps us mutate the template data dynamical. With the help of Jinja we can easily and dynamical interact with the Html from flask. Later we will learn more about it.

In flask we use MTV(Model-template-view architecture)